
Admission Application

Procedure of application:


1. The candidate has to fulfil the requirements of the Doctoral Program in Electrical Engineering. 

2. Submit your admission on-line here. The following information is needed in the application.

  • Previous studies. Legalisation of the academic documents. See this link.
  • Syllabus of the previous studies.
  • Certificates of the previous studies.
  • Letter of an official organism at the university of precedence of the candidate certifying that the previous studies (bachelor and master) allow to access to the doctoral studies in the country of origin.
  • CV including research works and publications.
  • Grants obtained in the past.
  • Other merits.


3. The Academic Commission of the Program verifies that the candidate fulfils the access requirements of the program and accepts the submission.


4. The student has to agree with the admission and continue with the enrolment.

5. If it is requested by the candidate, the Coordinator of the Program can produce an admission certificate.